
A cycle down memory lane

What happens when you've gotten so used to driving and suddenly you find yourself devoid of a car? Of course, revert to the mode oftransportation that you were using before getting your driver's licence; and for me it was a.... bicycle.

It all started when I went to a certain gaming website and found out that Mortal Kombat: Armageddon was released yersterday (
this happened last year actually). So, as a true gamer, I decided to get the game at my town's shopping centre. But, due to my car had some... erm... 'problems', I had to cycle to the shopping centre instead.

Well, before I started driving, I had a mountain bike which was my only means of transport, I & another friend still had bicycles only when all others were driving motorbikes to school. Back then, my stamina level was very high, and I could cover great distances with my bike. Yup, those were the good old days, didn't have to worry bout petrol though, just a full stomach to burn the energy that I need.

I had stopped cycling since I got my license, hmm..... that's about 5 years already. As I wheeled my bike, there was a feeling of nostalgia, and dread whether can I make it back with the bike or not.

(The journey home required me to cycle uphill you see......)

So, I braved myself and cycled downhill. It was great fun, as the feelings of past rushed back, wind kicking in my face and the sound of gears changing, brakes screeching was amazing.

But as the first 5 minutes kicked in, I started to grow tired. I was actually beginning to wear out, and after a great deal of energy burnt, and panting; I finally reached the shopping centre.

As I wheeled my bike to park it was only then that I realized my bike had no lock, and therefore I had no choice but to park my bike at my grandma's place which wasn't far away; but I still had to do some extra cycling and then had to travel to the destination by foot.

The best part was, after going through the hot sun, deflating myself, and almost got ran over by a lorry; the guy at the game shop coolly told me that the game wasn't out yet.

So, I began the long journey home........


tulipspeaks said...

my transport before i got this car, was the public bus. a lot of memories with the red-bus as i started to travel in it since 7 yrs old (on my own ;)).


Anonymous said...

oi... basikal pun engkau buat bising?! before me got me car, it was the fucked up klang pblic bus service.... i even had to go to all me interviews using public transportation... kesian aku...

tony redgrave said...

@ tulipspeaks: travelling by bus, on your own since u were 7? Wow. (salutes)

@ kavi: itu engkau punyer pasal la, btw u needed the exercise.

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